The Buganda Anthem
English Translation
We are very blessed, we are very blessed
For our Buganda
Buganda’s glory dates back in time
Lets also uphold it forever
Stanza I
Since time immemorial,
This nation, Buganda,
Was well known by all and sundry
The world over
Stanza II
The heroes who came before us
Fought hard in many a war
They loved our nation so,
We too, should love it forever
Stanza III
We the children of today should fight hard
To build Buganda
As we remember our ancestors
Who died for this, our nation
Stanza IV
How can I sing without praising
His Highness the king
He is fit to reign over Buganda in its entirety
While we trust him
Stanza V
Oh good merciful God
Guide us, oh Lord
Bless us, oh Lord
And guard our king.