Omubala Clan motto Kasolo ki? Ffumbe. Kasolo ki? Ffumbe Galinnya, galinnya e Bakka galinnya e Bakka basengejja Kakozakoza alikoza mu lw'Effumbe. The Ffumbe is one of the oldest clans in Buganda because it was among the very few Kintu found when he arrived in Buganda. Its grandfather called Buganda-Ntege Nalusiri Walusimbi is believed to be the 33rd king of Tonda dynasty. He is a very important personality because it is believed that it is after him that the land of Muwawa came to be called Buganda.
The official title of the clan-head is Walusimbi and their principal estates are in Bakka formerly known as Kisiri-Kikadde in Busiro.
The story of the civet is believed to have started with Walusimbi who had a huge banana plantation that was harassed by this same animal. It ate every banana that ripened including the wine-making ones. He tried every possible method to kill it but it out-witted him. Because it survived every trap he set, he declared it an abomination in his house for the loss it caused him and the distress. All his children and grand-children were to respect it for its clever ways and with time, it became the clan totem.
The ffumbe clansmen were the kabaka's medicine-men and Magunda, a member of this clan was his principal doctor. He had judicial duties to perform on the king's behalf. This clan was in charge of a deity called Mukasa based in Ssese. A member from the ffumbe clan called Nakku, was in charge of declaring the end of the king's funeral to let people go back to their normal duties at home. Kiwukyeeru of this clan was in charge of Namulondo (throne).
Popular names for men: Kigozi, Kaweesa, Lubwama, Nteza, Bakka, Kisitu, Mpanga, Ssaabwe, Sennoga, Ssentumbwe, Luzinda, Kalumba, Ssekadde,Senngendo, Kafumbe, Magambo, Ggolooba, Kajoba, Kasolo, Makubuya, Lukomwa, Lubaale, Kaseegu, Ndugga, Nsobya, Musaazi, Kigumba, Kimuli, Ssebisubi, Ssubi, Sempala, Ssekabira, Ssebaggala, Mayambala
Nakigozi, Nakaweesa, Nalubwama, Nanteza, Nabakka, Nakimuli, Naluboobi, Nakku, Nanggendo, Nnakafumbe, Nakanyike, Nantaba, Nabaggala Zaawedde
The African civet is a doglike, shaggy animal with bands and spots on its skin and it is mainly nocturnal. It is solitary and the only time it is social is during mating. Its gestation is about 72 days and can give birth up to four young ones.
Its head and body range from 68-95cm. Its tail is between 40-53cm. It weighs between 7-20kg. It has a characteristic walk that is low-headed. It is known for its conspicuous dung middens known as civettries that are strongly scented from its anal gland secretions. It uses these pungent civettries as its territorial markings.
The African civet eats dangerous snakes, millepedes, an assortment of stinky insects, mongoose, hare and even plant matter. It can go without food for fourteen days. It is very shy which makes it difficult to be seen.